Hexy: My Journey into Hexapod Robotics

A small hexapod robot for learning inverse kinematics.

Hexy is a small hexapod robot that I purchased and assembled. This project served as an exciting platform for me to delve into the world of robotics and gain hands-on experience with inverse kinematics.

The Project

Hexy is more than just a toy; it’s a sophisticated learning tool that allowed me to explore various aspects of robotics:

  1. Assembly: I purchased Hexy as a kit and assembled it myself, gaining valuable experience in robot construction.

  2. Hardware: The robot features a modified Arduino Mega board, which serves as its brain and control center.

  3. Programming: I programmed Hexy using C++, honing my skills in embedded systems programming.

  4. Inverse Kinematics: Perhaps the most fascinating aspect of this project was learning about inverse kinematics - the mathematical process of determining joint angles to achieve a desired position of the robot’s legs.

Learning Outcomes

Working with Hexy has been an incredible learning experience:

  • Practical Robotics: Gained hands-on experience in building and programming a real robot.
  • Arduino: Deepened my understanding of Arduino-based systems and their applications in robotics.
  • C++ for Embedded Systems: Improved my C++ programming skills in the context of embedded systems.
  • Inverse Kinematics: Acquired a basic understanding of inverse kinematics and its crucial role in robot movement.

Future Plans

While Hexy has already taught me a lot, there’s always room for more learning and improvement:

  • Implement more complex movement patterns
  • Integrate sensors for autonomous behavior
  • Explore machine learning applications for adaptive locomotion

Hexy has been an invaluable project in my journey into robotics. It’s not just about building a cool hexapod; it’s about the knowledge gained in mechanics, electronics, and programming. This project has sparked a deeper interest in robotics and laid a foundation for future, more complex robotic endeavors.

Built with Hugo
Theme Stack designed by Jimmy